She Meets Her Relationships

Human friendships are illuminated by God. 
We are wired for relationship.
Our longing for friendship is of the same nature as our longing for God.
We long to go deeper. To be safe.
Trust is the very lifeblood of friendship.
Hearts are ventured and vulnerable.
Deep friendships are between open hearts.
The veil of secrecy is progressively peeled back.
To know and be known.
~Jonathan Page

Was a Live event in August 2020 - 5 great days of speakers/encouragers sharing on different areas of relationship where we can get stuck.  God wants us to be in GREAT relationships, just as His heart longs for our Heart.  Receive revelation and healing.

Bless you and we bless what God wants to do in your Relationships. 😀

the She Meets Team

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