14 Chapter S

She Meets Her Voice Vol I

This Challenge was designed to help you un-lock, un-edit, and un-mute your God-given voice. 12 Days, 12 Hours, 12 Women's Voices encouraging, equipping, and releasing you in your voice. Journey to your voice with support, courage, and freedom.

It was originally completed live in Stratford in January 2020 to kick off the Hebrew year of the mouth. 

In June 2020 we added more speakers and activations to an online challenge with over 800 participants from 41 countries.  The testimonies of freedom and breakthroughs throughout the challenge were incredible.  Seeing the fruit from the challenge even to this day has truly been a work of God.

Come on a journey to un-lock, un-edit and un-mute your voice.

Chapter S for this chapter 14

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