How to Walk in God's Anointing: A Guide for Kingdom Women
God’s anointing isn’t reserved for a special few—it’s for everyone who believes. It’s the power and grace of God working through you, equipping you to bring change, lead with purpose, and walk in victory. But what does it really mean to walk in this anointing? And how can you fully participate in it?
Under the Old Covenant, God’s power came down in moments and needed proximity to be accessed. But under the New Covenant, His power lives within you. The anointing is already yours because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. You’re anointed, chosen, and fully equipped. Let’s explore how to carry that into every area of your life with confidence and faith. You’re not just walking—you’re leading in God’s power. Stay with me!
Understanding God's Anointing
God’s anointing is a powerful truth that sets Kingdom Women apart. It’s not just a concept but a transformative force that equips you spiritually, emotionally, and practically to live out your God-given purpose. Let’s dive into what it means, why it matters, and how it can reshape your life.
What is God's Anointing?
The word "anointing" often sounds mysterious, but it simply means being set apart and empowered for a divine purpose. Biblically, anointing is a marker of God’s presence and approval. When the Bible speaks of anointing, it’s not just about pouring oil; it’s about a spiritual covering provided by the Holy Spirit, signifying that you are chosen and equipped.
1 John 2:27 says, “But the anointing that you received from Him abides in you and you do not need anyone to teach you. But His anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit- just as it has taught you, remain in Him.” This underscores a vital point: the anointing is not just upon you; it resides within you. Under the New Covenant, you don't need proximity to a physical symbol like the Ark of the Covenant. Instead, His power lives inside of you.
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Why is the Anointing Significant?
So, why does this anointing matter? It’s because the anointing isn’t just for you—it’s for God's Kingdom work. It’s what enables you to step into roles that might seem daunting and fulfill His will with confidence and grace.
Look at David’s story in 1 Samuel 16:13: “Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day forward.” David was just a shepherd boy, but his anointing set him apart to lead a nation. The anointing elevated him from obscurity to divine purpose.
As a Kingdom Woman, the anointing isn’t about what you do, but about what God does through you. It’s His stamp of approval, equipping you to lead, influence, and live out His will.
How the Anointing Transforms Lives
Walking in God’s anointing isn’t a mundane experience—it’s life-changing. This isn’t about a one-time event, like pouring oil in ancient times; it’s about ongoing transformational power that shapes who you are.
Here’s what happens when you embrace this truth:
Heidi Baker’s story demonstrates this vividly—a regular person transformed into a powerful servant of God through her anointing. Learn more about the "Transforming Power of the Anointing".
The Anointing in Old and New Covenants
To understand how to walk in God's anointing, it's important to grasp how it operated under the Old and New Covenants. These two periods mark a dramatic shift in how God's power and presence were accessed. Let's explore.
The Anointing in the Old Covenant
Under the Old Covenant, anointing was not available to everyone. It was a special act reserved for specific individuals like prophets, priests, and kings. Anointing signified being set apart for a divine purpose and was often accompanied by the physical act of pouring oil. This oil symbolized the presence and approval of God.
Exodus 30:30 highlights this practice: “You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister to Me as priests.” In the Old Testament, tangible proximity to God's anointing was necessary. For example, the Ark of the Covenant served as a physical representation of His presence, and only certain individuals could approach it. This system emphasized separation rather than access. Ordinary people couldn't assume the anointing; it was designated for chosen leaders, mediators, and intercessors.
The Anointing in the New Covenant
Fast forward to the New Covenant, and everything changes. Through Christ's death and resurrection, the barrier was removed. Now, the anointing of God is available to all believers through the Holy Spirit. You don’t need to be a prophet or priest; if you believe in Christ, you are anointed.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22 illustrates this beautifully: “Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”
Under the New Covenant, the anointing doesn’t come from the outside—it dwells within you. This means God's empowerment and guidance are constant, not conditional on ceremonies or rituals.
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Anointing
The Holy Spirit is the source of power in the New Covenant. Unlike the Old Covenant, where anointing was temporary or situational, the Holy Spirit offers a permanent presence in your life. Acts 1:8 declares, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
This means the Holy Spirit equips you for Kingdom leadership, prompting boldness, wisdom, and the ability to influence others for God's glory. Walking in the Spirit isn't about amplifying your own strength; it's about surrendering to the power already at work within you.
How to Walk in God's Anointing
Walking in God's anointing isn’t just about experiencing moments of spiritual power—it’s a daily, intentional journey of living in His presence and purpose. God’s anointing equips every Kingdom Woman to fulfill her calling with courage, wisdom, and grace. But how exactly can you nurture and sustain this? Let’s break it down.
Developing a Deep Relationship with God
Everything begins with your relationship with God. If you want to walk in His anointing, you need to know the One who anoints. Think of it like a vine and its branches—your connection to God is your lifeline for spiritual nourishment.
How can you deepen that connection? Simple:
Photo by Tara Winstead
Obedience to God's Will
Walking in God’s anointing requires full surrender. Are you willing to obey His voice, even when it disrupts your plans? Obedience unlocks the flow of His anointing. Think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. When the angel told her she would carry the Savior, she responded with unwavering obedience: “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38).
When you align yourself with God’s will, you position yourself to receive His power and work in His anointing.
Guarding Your Anointing
Walking in God’s anointing requires vigilance. Like a treasure, your anointing needs to be protected from anything that could diminish its impact. Distractions, sin, and negativity threaten to derail you, but there are practical steps to safeguard what God has trusted you with.
Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Your anointing is precious, Kingdom Woman—treat it as such. Protect it through intentional choices every day.
Kingdom Leadership in God's Anointing
Walking in God's anointing as a Kingdom leader is not about striving in your own strength but aligning yourself with His will, His power, and His purpose. Godly leadership requires you to be fully dependent on His Spirit to lead effectively in any capacity—whether that's in your church, your home, or your workplace. Let’s break this down.
Characteristics of a Kingdom Leader
What makes a leader truly aligned with God's Kingdom? It’s not their charisma, intelligence, or worldly accomplishments. Rather, it’s about embodying Christ-like qualities that reflect His glory to others:
Applying God’s Anointing in Daily Leadership
Walking in Kingdom leadership isn’t limited to big, public roles. Whether you’re leading a ministry, a meeting at work, or your family around the dinner table, God’s anointing can guide you. Here are some practical ways to lead with anointing every day:
God’s anointing is not exclusive to a church building; it’s meant to permeate every aspect of your life. When you walk in His power, your leadership becomes a testimony of His grace and love to those around you.
Promoting a Spirit-Filled Lifestyle
Mentorship can have a profound impact on your spiritual journey, especially when you’re looking to grow in faith and leadership. That’s why programs like She Meets Mentorship exist—to provide Kingdom Women with the wisdom and guidance to step confidently into their calling through the anointing.
Think of mentorship as having an intentional guide who helps steer your ship through life’s deep waters. They’re there to pray with you, offer spiritual insights, and hold you accountable to what God’s calling you to do.
Through the She Meets Mentorship Program, you’ll have access to a community that celebrates your growth while equipping you for Kingdom leadership. Programs like this can deepen your spiritual walk and empower you to live out God’s calling with boldness. To join this impactful community, visit where you’ll find mentorship can transform your life.
Journaling to Stay Aligned with God's Purpose
Have you ever experienced the clarity that comes when you put pen to paper? Journaling isn't just a simple exercise; it’s an act of reflection that keeps you connected to what God is doing in your heart. By writing down your thoughts, prayers, and revelations, you create space to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly and stay aligned with God’s purpose.
Not sure how to start? Journaling isn’t about perfection; it’s about showing up. Having helpful guides can inspire and equip you to begin this meaningful practice. Many Kingdom Women already use our Forward Focus Journal to capture their faith journey and stay aligned with His will. Why not join them? It keeps you focused on going forward on your journal by completing just one page a day!
Walking in God’s anointing is your invitation to live a life of purpose, power, and impact. You don’t have to chase after it—it’s already within you through the Holy Spirit. By deepening your connection with God, stepping out in bold obedience, and guarding the anointing, you position yourself to rise as a Kingdom leader.
You are chosen, equipped, and called. The time to step into your anointing is now. Partner with God daily, and watch as His power flows through you to transform your life and those around you.
Ready to take the next step? The She Meets Mentorship Program offers the guidance you need to grow into your God-given purpose. Combine that with daily reflection using the Forward Focus Journal, and you’ll see the power of the anointing flourish in every area of your life.
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